Get in touch
I’d love to connect with you and see how we can work together. I’ve answered some FAQs below. Please reach out to me with any questions about my services, I aim to reply within 2 business days.
+ Do you only work with children?
No, not just children. Adults too.
+ I’m over a certain age, will yoga help my flexibility?
Yoga can help most people feel fitter and more flexible, unless they have been asked by their doctor not to do it for certain health reasons. Flexibility is usually one of the side effects, but if you keep an open mind, yoga can give you much more.
+ Do you teach yoga, mindfulness or both?
Yoga is so much more than just physical poses. It also involves breathing and mind awareness. I use all of these. I usually have a chat with you to establish your needs, then make some suggestions. A one to one therapy session would be a bespoke package tailored particularly for you.
+ My child has cerebral palsy. Can yoga help with this?
Because yoga gently helps strengthen muscles it can be great for children with cerebral palsy. It can help increase their flexibility, movement in their joints and general mobility.
+ How do I book wellbeing courses for the children and staff at my school?
The best way is to give me a call to discuss your needs. There is a list of general pricings on the website. For the children, a good introduction is to book a day, where I would work with each class in turn for about forty minutes. For staff, we can look at training as part of a staff meeting after school or an inset day. We can discuss what best suits your needs.